
In April, TIS began a dialogue with Eric Barray, founder of Woodfancy.
"We believe that acting for a more eco-friendly environment and satisfying individual needs for style and beauty can work very well together".

In February 2021, TIS began a dialogue with Julien Lozano, founder of What E.L.S.E. Solutions: international education, immersion in foreign languages, sports and events.

In October 2019, TIS enterred into a partnership with Flydance. We use their 160m2 of gym space for sport and for wet breaks.https://flydancethonon.com
Deborah Mocellin
TIS is supporting local artist Deborah Mocellin. Deborah has worked for years to provide tailor-made murals for schools, hospitals and private commissions. The pieces of art on display in the entrance of TIS are all for sale, so come along and take a closer look ! If you would like to contact Deborah, please consult her website: www.debodeco.com
Ksenia Del Bono
TIS is supporting local Russian artist Ksenia Del Bono. Ksenia was trained at the school of arts in Irkoutsk and uses oils and acrylique paint. Her preferred subjects are animals, nature and women. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram: kseniadelbono@hotmail.com